Thursday, August 23, 2007


Once you discover your true passions in life, you must take action to bring about your dream. Since the movie, The Secret, was released last spring, many viewers thought that all they had to do was keep their focus on their hopes and dreams and, by some magic, those dreams would suddenly be fulfilled. There is more to it than that. We as individuals need to begin to take the first steps to bring our future hopes into reality. The Universe helps those who help themselves.

It is when we keep our focus on our dream and begin to move our decisions and choices in favour of our passions that suddenly we find that those special resources and contacts that we need seem to begin to appear. Taking the first step is the most difficult one. It requires letting go, reaching out and taking risks.

So what stops us from taking these risks? Fear of failure and rejection, our need for certainty and a lack of belief in ourselves will often prevent us from going after “what truly makes our heart sing.”

In his book Risking, David Viscott provides us with his insights.
· Taking a risk is central to everything worthwhile in life.
· A life lived trying to be secure and free of risks eventually becomes
· Success falls more to the courageous than to those who understand and
plan everything, but can’t act.
· Don’t sit back waiting for the perfect moment. It almost never comes.
· Any risk that is important for growth will continually reappear until it is

Bill Treasurer reminds us in Right Risk that “to live is to risk. Risk taking is as essential to life as breathing…when we don’t take risks we get stuck in a rut of safety.”

Think about this:
People who don’t take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year.
People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year.”

Peter F. Drucker

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, BEGIN IT!
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it" Goethe

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Barb Ashcroft offers Journey to Seminars and private consultation. She may also be booked for professional speaking engagements. Check out her website:


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